This chapter was again amazing and it is a record this year that Oda has posted 5 mangas in a row, incredible, i respect him from the bottom of my heart!
Umm... Passing to the review, so this chapter started with the gladiators appearing all trying to hold mingo's ass, but he is too pissed off him luffy and he just uses the awakening to wipe the hell of the gladiators.
Gatz encounters himself with law who says that from there he is the one who is going to stay with luffy, to be honest his arm scares the hell out of me, is it going to heal, i dont even know.
The all the main gladiators appeared and bartolomeo, as i knew, helped zorro and the others with a barrier and pushed it all together in order to stop the cage, later fujitora joined what was shocking, i still wonder if fujitora is betraying the marines or it is just his mood that changes, of course he is helping now because he can probably die and he wants to live but still his attitude is strange from the beginning
Then prinncess mansherry, a tontatta, appeared in the air, crying so people in hospitals and the citizens could heal and survive, but just for some time, because her power has a limit, and if the time ends they wont be able to survive
Then a scene that i loved was usopp that screamed to all the people thathe believed in his captain and if they helped they would survive, loved his attitude but have to admit he being my favourite character kind of influences my review ;)
After something really weird happened, viola decided to fight mingo maybe to distract him and gain some time, to be honest here too i would love for her to join mugiwaras crew so sanji could get happier and go with that mood to the sea, maybe if she dies in the future, i will get angry as s*it and he will kick the ass of the killer... i am theorising too much... back to the review
Franky still with the tontattas trying to destroy the S.A.D. factory and at the same time trying to stop the cage, i thing it wont work the destruction of the sad building but we will see (maybe im wrong, i dont know)
Then the citizens appear saying that they wanna help too and they also push the barrier to help stopping the cage, as i said in my previous review, and as expected the cage stopped from all the sudden for like 1 or 2second which was amazing
Being this said maybe they stop the cage enough so luffy has the time to recove, being this the reason why viola is distracting mingo, so he cant notice that
Well loved this chapter and hope to have u guys here next time reading my reviews
Til next time,
Deo Umis
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